An easement is a defined strip of land where 华体会体育 transmission lines are safely constructed, maintained and operated. Company representatives may access company-owned rights-of-way to access, inspect and maintain transmission lines, including vegetation maintenance.


At 华体会体育, our right-of-way agents and representatives work with landowners to balance their concerns and preferences with the need for electric infrastructure.

The company discusses with property owners easement rights and project specifics, inlcuding:

Showing property owners map of project at an open house

  • The length and width of the right-of-way
  • The number and placement of structures
  • The height and design of the structures
  • Voltage of the power line
  • Clearing and construction practices
  • Right-of-way access
  • Project schedule
  • Post-construction maintenance
  • Vegetation maintenance practices
  • 华体会体育 also pays to property and/or physical damage to property resulting from the construction and/or maintenance of the transmission line.